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Monday, December 3, 2007

raising of dotnet

'dot net is the technology from microsoft,on which all other microsoft technology will be depending on in future'.it is a major technology change.just like the computer world moved from DOS to they are moving to net was introduced by microsoft to catch the market from the sun's java.few years back ms had only vc++ and vb to compete with java.with the world depending more and more on the web., and java related tools becoming the best choice for the web seemed thousands of programmers moved to java from vc++ and vb.this makes arise of .net by put their men at work for a secret project called'next genaration windows services'(NGSW)under the direct supervision of mr.billgates.
ms vc++ was a powerful tool.but it has many datatypes and developers had to learn many libraries including windows SDK,MFC,ATL,COM etc.this and vb also not flexible for serious application than c++.
all unwanted complexities are eliminated and a pure object oriented programming model was introduced.this makes programmers very net frame work comes with a single class library,and thats all programmers need to learn!!whether they write the code in c# or or j#,it doesn't matter,you just use the .net class library.there is no classes specific to any language.there is nothing more you can do in a language,which you can't do it any other .net language.
you can write code in c# or with the same number of lines of code,same performance,efficiency,because every one uses same .net library.
DOT NET:it is a platform neutral frame supports many programing language,including,c# is a layer between os and programming language.
dot net provides common set of classes and libraries for each language.if you know any one .net language,you can write code in any .net language
by default,dot net comes with few programming language including c#,,j# and managed gives a common class library,which can be called from any of the supported,developers need not learn many libraries,when they switch to a different language.only the syntax is different for each language.when you write code in any language and compile,it will be converted to an microsoft intermediate language(MSIL).this msil, which you deliver to your customer into a DLL or EXE.

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